Board » School Bond Measure J

School Bond Measure J



Key Responsibilities:

  • Inform the public about the expenditure of bond proceeds.
  • Review expenditure reports to ensure funds are used solely for authorized purposes.
  • Update the Snowline JUSD Board of Trustees outlining activities and conclusions regarding bond expenditures.


  • Strong commitment to public education and community service.
  • Ability to analyze financial documents and reports.
  • No current employment or contractual relationship with the District.

Serving on this committee offers an opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the future of our students, schools, and communities.

If you're interested in applying, please submit your application by 5 pm, Monday, March 31, 2025.

To access the digital application form, click the link Digital Committee Application.

To access a paper application form, click the link Paper Committee Application.

Paper applications can be emailed to [email protected] or dropped off at the Snowline JUSD District Office between 7:30 am and 4:00 pm.

4075 Nielson Road, Phelan, Ca

Your involvement ensures that our schools remain accountable and focused on student success.

The Snowline Joint Unified School District Measure J Oversight Committee FAQ's.


Who will be on the Committee?

The Committee shall have at least seven members. In addition to two members of the community at large, there shall be at least one member from each of the following groups:


  • A business organization representing the business community in the school district.
  • A senior citizens’ organization.
  • A parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the school district.
  • A parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the school district and is active in a parent-teacher organization.
  • A bona-fide taxpayer's organization.


The Committee may not include any employee or official of the school district or any vendor, contractor, or consultant of the school district.  Members must be at least 18 years old, and preference will by given to members who live within the geographic boundary of the District.


What will the Committee do?

The committee will be responsible for making reports to the Board and the community about bond expenditures.


How often will the Committee meet?

The Committee is required to meet at least one time per year, and it is estimated that the Committee will meet approximately four times per year during periods of construction.  Specific meeting dates will be determined by the Committee.  


How will the Committee be selected?

The Board will select members of the Committee, taking into account each applicant's professional and/or practical experience, the applicant's recognition in or contribution to his/her community, the diversity of experience on the Committee as a whole, and representation on the Committee from various communities within the district. The Board is expected to appoint the new members of the Committee by April 22, 2025.


What else should the applicant know?

Under the provisions of California Education Code Section 35233, a member of the Committee may not have any financial interests in any contracts made with the District during the member's term. Committee members may also be subject to the Political Reform Act of 1974 and its Conflict of Interest Provision. 


All committee proceedings will be open to the public and will be subject to the Brown Act. All documents and reports received or published by the Committee will be a matter of public record, and will be made available on the District’s web site.


Where is more information available?

Please call the District at 760.868.5817 for additional information.